
Cut The Crap


Hello! I realize it's been a while since my last post. Life has been nothing short of chaotic for me this past month or so and honestly I just needed the time to breathe and pull myself back together (Yay mental health!).

I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine that honestly really pissed me off. I totally appreciate it now, but man did it hit me hard. I had been venting to him about various things going on in my life and at the end of it all he told me--"What's wrong with you? You have every opportunity right at your feet and you're doing nothing about it!" Ouch. 

Of course my natural response was to get upset and defend myself by saying, "Well, I don't want to take any opportunities that I can't fully commit to because I'm not sure what I want to do." He follows up with, "Well, what's your passion?" And you know what folks? I couldn't answer that! Not because I don't know what it is, I have an inkling--but because I was too scared to open myself up and be vulnerable with my dreams. 

So I went home that night and did some serious soul-searching and came to this conclusion--It's time to cut the crap! I have spent way too much time being paralyzed by fear. Fear of commitment, fear of vulnerability, fear of judgement, fear of not being good at something right out of the gate, fear of everything really! No more. 

Life is too short to be wasting any of it by not being 100% authentic to who we are and what we want. By no means am I saying that we need have everything figured out right this moment--but what I am saying is if you don't know what your passion is, find it. Try all the things, talk to all the people, volunteer, meditate, read, soak in as many experiences as you can until you find the thing that sets you on fire. If you know what your passion is, chase it. Sign up for seminars, reach out to people who inspire you, seek knowledge, read, talk about your dream and try to make it real. If you're hiding behind fear and excuses, fix it. Even the tiniest step in the right direction is still a step. 

So shoutout to the friend who gave me the swift kick in the face that I needed to cut the crap. 

Until Next Time, Kelsie

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