
The Stand | Arcadia


Hey what's up, hello! Today I had the opportunity to go to one of my FAVORITE local eateries called The Stand Arcadia. What is The Stand? Girl, let me tell you.

The Stand is this adorable little burger shack in the heart of Phoenix, AZ. They keep their menu simple (burger, fries, shakes) and knock the flavor out of the park! My favorite way to enjoy their food is sitting out on the private patio where I can feel the fresh air but don't have to see the street outside. Win-win. 

If you're feeling extra lazy, are in a hurry, or you just want to interact with the least amount of people possible (can I get an amen?) The Stand also has a drive-thru window! Really though--tell me where else you can roll up to the drive-thru and get a burger that looks as good as this bad boy right here? 

Last, but certainly not least, we need to talk about the banana shake. Oh. My. Gosh. My family is from Washington, where you can go to any fast food joint and have about 50 different shake options any time of year. In Arizona, that's just not the case. Your options here typically consist of chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla. So when I saw banana on the menu I flipped out! Then I actually tried the shake....Holy crap. It is hands down the BEST banana shake I have ever had. Creamy, thick while still being liquid enough to drink through a straw, the perfect amount of real banana chunks--heaven y'all. 

 So there you have it. I freakin' love this place and if you are ever in Phoenix you must check it out!

Until Next Time, Kelsie

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