
Mountain Thunder Coffee Plantation


Aloha! From beautiful (if not extremely too humid) Kona, Hawaii!

One of the very first excursions we took upon arriving on The Big Island was a trip up the Volcanoe to a quaint little coffee farm called Mountain Thunder Coffee Plantation.

If you have never been to Kona it is important to note that Coffee grown and harvested in Kona is a big deal! Coffee shops on every corner boast “100% Kona Coffee” and “Peaberry” is most definitely a thing.

Anywho, at Mountain Thunder they do FREE tours on the hour of their operation where they grow, harvest, roast, package, and sell their 100% Kona Coffee. Our little group arrived early and we were able to wander the gift shop that offers free samples of coffee, tea, spices, body products, and chocolate covered beans all of which are grown and made on site! I definitely picked up a couple of goodies to bring home!

There were also several personal touches added around the property to make you feel right at home. Including this adorable kitty who refused to move from that spot the entire 2 hours we were there!

At 11 o’clock on the dot our tour guide arrives and brings our international group (we had folks as far as Israel and Norway join us) up to speed on what a coffee plant looks like, what peaberries are, the process from plant to beverage, and even gave us an up close look at the roasting machine!

At the end of the tour there was an optional nature walk down into the actual farm which was totally worth the $10 group fee! We were given a booklet that pointed out unique features of the trail including several lava tubes and native plant life. At the end of the trail is a giant patio where you can sit and picnic or just admire the view of the fields. It only a tiny bit looks like you’re standing in a field of marijuana.

All together Mountain Thunder was an incredible experience and the hospitality displayed was simply wonderful.

Until Next Time, Kelsie

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