
Pink Jeep Tour | Sedona, AZ


Hey Girl Hey!

I have a list of activities I have always wanted to do but for whatever reason always had an excuse not to. For 2019 I decided to pick one thing off the list each month and do the thing--It's like a bucket list except you don't have to be dying. I call it my F@*! It List. 

For January I decided to finally go on a Pink Jeep Tour. Y'all, it did not disappoint. If you aren't familiar with Pink Jeep Tours they have several locations to choose from and several different trail options at each location. Essentially you choose where you want to go, pick a tour time and route, and then you show up and ride around in a ridiculously cool pink Jeep!

For my tour I chose a route in Sedona, AZ which is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life. I chose the Broken Arrow Trail which is exclusive to Pink Jeep Tours and has the most off-roading of any of the other tours offered. I grew up riding ATV's and exploring the AZ wilderness so I was all about this thrilling ride! 

Our tour guide Roger was super friendly, knowledgeable, showed us a good time without getting too crazy, plus he doubled as our photographer! Seriously--Roger was the best. He shared stories all about Sedona during it's Hollywood days, he pointed out different shells and crustacea from when Sedona used to be under water, and his stories about the plants and their various medicinal uses were 10/10. 

Bonus points go to Roger for his knowledge on Sedona eateries--He hooked us up with the name of the restaurant just across the street which had cactus fries you can dip in a prickly pear sauce...Heaven. 

Altogether I had the time of my life and if you get the chance I highly recommend booking your own tour

Until Next Time, Kelsie

My Top 5 Apps


Hey there! 

We as a society now spend a ton of time on our phones and devices these days. I know I always love learning about new apps and what everyone is using so I thought I would share with y'all some of my faves. 

First up, YouTube. This baby literally has it all--I can learn how to leverage social media, get step by step directions on how to replace my tail-light, watch all the best Vine compilations, keep up with my favorite YouTuber's trash (empties videos are my guilty pleasure), you name it YouTube has it. 

Social media has been getting a bad rap lately because it can be a time waster. While that is true, you also have to remember it's only a waste of time depending on what you choose to consume. If it teaches you, feeds your soul, or uplifts you, social media can be a powerful tool. At the end of the day you are the one who gets to decide if you're going down the rabbit hole or feeding your dreams. Choose wisely. 
Second on the list is Instagram. If you've been following me for any amount of time you know that Instagram is my jam. I am ALL about it. Again, social media is all about how you use it. I love following @msrachelhollis, @stephanie_fleming, and @bossladiesmindset. These accounts uplift and inspire me and point me in the direction of some pretty dope tools I can use to grow myself and my dreams. 

When it comes to my use of Insta I always try to post my real life. It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and I try to get that across in my feed. I personally feel the most detrimental thing to our society right now is our focus on an impressive timeline with zero connection. I hate to break it to y'all but we're all riding that hot mess express. So let your crazy, beautiful, messy, wonderful, painful, honest life show. 

Third is Mercari. If you haven't heard of Mercari brace yourself. This app is a marketplace designed to help you quickly and easily sell the things you no longer love or use and buy the things you love! Personally I sell my old Kate Spade bags, tech accessories, wax destashes, or Funko! Pops--but I don't know what kind of junk you've got sitting around in your closets. You can then either use the balance of items you've sold to shop the app or you can get the money direct deposited to your bank! #makethatmoneyhoney

Fourth is your banking app. If you do not have your banking app on your phone or you are not checking it regularly...what are you doing? Seriously. You can make all the money in the world but if you aren't managing that money properly it won't mean a thing. Know how much you have in the bank, period. Track what's going in and out of your account daily. Make those mobile deposits. If you don't manage your money, your money will manage you and ain't nobody got time for that. 

Last up is Best Fiends. I'm all about staying focused and using apps as tools but at the end of the day sometimes you just need some good old fashioned game time. Best Fiends has been on my phone for years and is one of my all time favorite puzzle games. They have hundreds of levels with challenges daily and seasonally. It doesn't hurt the characters are cute AF. 

So that's it, those are my top 5 apps on my phone currently. I'd love to hear what some of your favorites are!

Until Next Time, Kelsie 

My Tattoos


Hi there!

This post makes me nervous to write seeing as it is a lot more personal in nature than I am used to sharing, but I'm doing this whole "Fearless" thing so I'm doing it anyway. 

I wanted to share with you the meanings behind my tattoos. I have no clue if y'all are even interested in this kind of thing but I know I love hearing about other peoples' tats so here we go.

I have 3 tattoos, all fairly small, and all fairly basic. I personally just love the way simple line work tattoos look so that's the style I went for. I also only have tattoos on the left side of my body. I intentionally did this because I want to have a Cruella de Vil type vibe going on: one side tatted, one side clean. I don't know when or why I came up with the idea but I really love the symbolism behind it. 

Now, on to the actual tattoos themselves...

#1 - Follow Your Arrow

This was the first tattoo I got. It's on the inside of my left ankle and was by far the most painful of the 3. I was a junior in college and I had been thinking about it for a good long while before I finally pulled the trigger. This tattoo was based off the song Follow Your Arrow by Kacey Musgraves--I got it on my ankle as a reminder to just keep putting one foot in front of the other in the direction your "arrow" points. I firmly believe that whoever you are, whatever you want is a-okay just so long as what you're doing doesn't hurt somebody else.

#2 - Evenstar

Brace yourselves my friends, it's about to get nerdy up in here. This right here is tattoo #2 and is my favorite. I had known for years and years I wanted to have a tattoo of the Evenstar Arwen wears in Lord of the Rings but I wasn't quite sure where I wanted it. I settled on the inside of my forearm so I could always see it (if you're gonna spend the money, you gotta be able to enjoy it).

In LOTR Arwen gives the Evenstar to Aaragorn and in so doing gives up her eternal life to live a mortal life with the man she loves. (If that doesn't just rip your heart out I don't know how to help you.) I got the tattoo to remind myself that nothing trumps love--not even immortality.

#3 - I Lived

This tattoo is the one I get the most questions about...It is also the one I have the hardest time talking about. It has significant, personal meaning to me and I get super uncomfortable with how vulnerable it makes me feel. I realize this is ridiculous considering I got it tattooed in a highly visible place on my body but that's the way it is.

Anyway, here goes. The first part of the tattoo, XVII is the Roman Numeral for 17--it represents the year 2017. The second half, VIXI is latin for "I lived" (there are different interpretations but that's the one I roll with). In between I got a semicolon--It's no secret the semicolon is a symbol for those who have dealt with mental illness or suicide throughout their lives. The semicolon is supposed to remind you that your story is not over yet. If you want to learn more about it check out Project ;.

2017 was a difficult year for me in a lot of ways--The idea behind the tattoo is even though life was really rough during that time I survived. I came out the other side stronger than before and ready to take on the next season. I have had many difficult times in my life but I really love how "17" (XVII) can be rearranged to spell "VIXI"--Poetry y'all.

So there you have it. Those are the stories behind my tattoos. I do plan to get more in the future but I am in no hurry to get them done.

Until Next Time, Kelsie



Hey girl hey! 

Welcome to my first post of 2019! Does anyone else feel like 2018 flew by? For me 2018 was a rollercoaster ride of experiences--some incredible, some pretty freaking sucky. But can I point something out? We made it! Every. Single. One of us. So cheers!

Now at the beginning of the New Year I typically jump on the bandwagon of picking a handful of goals to work on throughout the year and try to really focus on them. Some I accomplish (like paying off my credit card) and others I don't (I was 22 books short on my Goodreads goal this year...oops), but here's the thing. Even the ones I didn't technically accomplish still helped me grow, and in my mind that is the most important thing. If you ain't growing you're dying. 

This year I wanted to take a different approach--the last 4 months of 2018 were challenging to say the least and it really sparked a fire in me. So this year instead of focusing on a list of things to check off a list I want to focus on how I want this year to feel. So this year I will be Fearless. 

I want 2019 to feel like an adventure--I want to really embrace who I am, I want to speak my truth without inhibitions, I want to laugh, love, cry, and dance without fear of judgement--Because let's be honest people will judge you no matter what you do. 2019 is the year where I stop making up these lame excuses of why I'm not cool enough, qualified enough, blah, blah, blah and just get out and do the things that I have always wanted to do but have been too full of fear to. 

I mean think about it y'all. How often have you not done something you really wanted to do, or try, or experience because you were scared of how somebody else might perceive it? No more. I refuse to let fear dictate my life anymore and I truly hope you'll join me. 

So here's to 2019, get out there and be you. On purpose. 

Until Next Time, Kelsie
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