


Hey girl hey! 

Welcome to my first post of 2019! Does anyone else feel like 2018 flew by? For me 2018 was a rollercoaster ride of experiences--some incredible, some pretty freaking sucky. But can I point something out? We made it! Every. Single. One of us. So cheers!

Now at the beginning of the New Year I typically jump on the bandwagon of picking a handful of goals to work on throughout the year and try to really focus on them. Some I accomplish (like paying off my credit card) and others I don't (I was 22 books short on my Goodreads goal this year...oops), but here's the thing. Even the ones I didn't technically accomplish still helped me grow, and in my mind that is the most important thing. If you ain't growing you're dying. 

This year I wanted to take a different approach--the last 4 months of 2018 were challenging to say the least and it really sparked a fire in me. So this year instead of focusing on a list of things to check off a list I want to focus on how I want this year to feel. So this year I will be Fearless. 

I want 2019 to feel like an adventure--I want to really embrace who I am, I want to speak my truth without inhibitions, I want to laugh, love, cry, and dance without fear of judgement--Because let's be honest people will judge you no matter what you do. 2019 is the year where I stop making up these lame excuses of why I'm not cool enough, qualified enough, blah, blah, blah and just get out and do the things that I have always wanted to do but have been too full of fear to. 

I mean think about it y'all. How often have you not done something you really wanted to do, or try, or experience because you were scared of how somebody else might perceive it? No more. I refuse to let fear dictate my life anymore and I truly hope you'll join me. 

So here's to 2019, get out there and be you. On purpose. 

Until Next Time, Kelsie

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